Terms & Conditions

This website is offered by Energo Green Consultant (hereinafter referred to as “Energo”), with a registered office in Belgrade 11000 Kneza Milosa, 53.

The following Terms of Use govern access to and use of the Website. In addition, special conditions of use will apply to specific content, data, materials, or information contained on this Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Content”), or to specific content, data, materials, or information that the user enters, submits and/or publishes on the Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Content – User”), by way of example but not limited to: comments, forms, etc. 

Such particular terms of use shall be in addition to these Terms of Use or, only if expressly stated, shall take precedence over them.

  1. Acceptance of Terms of Use

By accessing or using this Web Site, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use, all terms and conditions contained or referred to herein or any additional terms or conditions that may be set forth on this Web Site. If you do not agree to all such terms and conditions, you are not authorized to access and use the Web Site.

  1. Modification of the conditions of use

Energo reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time: the Terms of Use as modified shall be applicable from the time of publication. If the user continues to access or use the Web Site after such publication, it is assumed that the user has accepted these changes. The user is advised to regularly check the applicable conditions. 

Energo reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or make changes or updates to the Web Site and its Content, and reserves the right, at any time, with immediate effect, without prior notice, at its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, to limit, refuse or terminate, in whole or in part, access to the Web Site, or any part thereof, by any user.

  1. Privacy Policy

The use of the personal data provided or collected through or in connection with this Web Site will be exclusively in accordance with the Privacy Policy and these Terms of Use are subject to Energo’s Privacy Policy, as published on this Web Site.

  1. Responsibility

All information (including, but not limited to, text, images, graphics, links, and other materials) contained in this Web Site is provided “as is” and “as available”. Energo expressly disclaims any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or the like, with respect to the operation of this website and the user content or content. 

Energo makes no commitment that 

that the Website will meet your requirements, 

that the Web Site will operate continuously, promptly, securely and without error, 

that the data obtained through the use of the Web Site (including the information on this Web Site) is correct, complete, accurate and otherwise corresponds to the needs of the user.

This is a public website: you can have no expectation of privacy in the treatment of any User Content you may submit to the Web Site. No confidential information should be sent.

Energo accepts no responsibility for any interruptions or omissions relating to the Internet, network, or hosting services and does not guarantee that the Web Site, the services that make it available or the sending of electronic communications by Energo are free of viruses or other harmful elements.

Any downloading or other operation of any material through this Web Site is done at your discretion and risk. The user assumes sole responsibility for any damage to his computer system or loss of data caused by the downloaded content.

  1. Registration

You may be required to register to access certain areas of the Web Site and use certain features or elements of the Web Site, and such registration is free of charge.

  1. User submitting Content

In submitting User Content to the Website, you warrant that the materials will be appropriate, constructive and relevant, and free from elements that are potentially illegal or otherwise unsuitable for publication, including but not limited to elements that are potentially defamatory or offensive to other persons or entities, potentially harmful to persons or property, or defamatory or harassing to persons or organizations, potentially violating the rights (including rights of privacy and publicity) of any person, pornographic, obscene, offensive, vulgar, indecent or intimidating, culturally, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, or such as to suggest or encourage any illegal activity.

You affirm, represent, and warrant that User Content submitted to the Website does not violate any proprietary rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, or patent rights or privacy obligations.

You acknowledge and agree that your ideas, contributions, or discussions, or any other User Content submitted to the Website, which is not subject to any intellectual property rights protection, may be used by any other user without compensation or acknowledgment.

  1. Limitation of liability

In no event will Energo be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, special, incidental, or other damages resulting from, caused by, or related to the access or use of this website and its contents and User Content or the impossibility of accessing them, even if energo has been informed of the possibility of such damages.

  1. Contents/software of third parties

Energo accepts no responsibility for the contents of any site owned by third parties that may be connected to the Web Site by means of a hypertext link, regardless of whether the said link is provided by the Web Site or by a third party in accordance with the Terms of Use. 

The presence on the Web Site of links to other sites does not imply any endorsement of such sites, nor any judgment or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness or suitability of the content of the sites to which the Web Site may link and Energo accepts no responsibility in this respect.

Any software that may be downloaded from or through this Web Site is licensed under the terms of the applicable license agreements. Without prejudice to what is stated in the applicable license agreement, the use of the software is only permitted to end-users and any further duplication, reproduction, or redistribution is expressly prohibited. 

  1. Copyright and trademarks

The copyright and all other property rights relating to the Content provided by Energo, the software used for the management and publication of the Web Site, the compilation of data on the Web Site, and the ordering, sequencing, and planning of the Web Site, belong in their entirety to Energo. All rights to the Content not expressly granted under these Terms of Use are reserved.

  1. Proprietary rights to the website

This Web site is public and any information submitted will be considered non-confidential.

  1. Indemnity and Disclaimer

The user agrees to indemnify and hold Energo harmless from any liability for damages, charges, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal and professional fees and attorneys’ fees) arising from the publication, content, or transmission of any message, information, material, or other User Content posted on the Web Site or from any violation of these Terms of Use by the user. 

  1. Closure of the Web Site

Energo reserves the exclusive right to close all or part of the Web Site, at any time, for any reason, and without prior notice or need for authorization. 
