Proof of LEED®ership; it’s a little play on words that we use to present our unique expertise at the European level.

  • LEED since 2008
  • First European LEED Fellow
  • First Italian USGBC Faculty
  • First Italian LEED AP
  • First Italian LEED for Homes Green rater
  • Unique Italian Company USGBC Education Partner

Since 2020 Energo is PROVEN PROVIDER, the LEED Proven Provider program has been created by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) to acknowledge LEED consultants who consistently produce excellent LEED submissions. Project teams working with a Proven Provider can expect a smoother and faster LEED certification experience.

Energo’s LEED Processes administrators is a LEED Fellow (only 182 worldwide): “LEED Fellow is the highest recognition achievable for a LEED professional in the green building industry. For both seasoned leaders and rising stars, receiving the LEED Fellow designation recognizes outstanding accomplishments and marks a career-high point.”
The selection to become a fellow lasts over 1 year and requires the endorsement of 3 internationally recognized LEED professors, 10 years of experience, and an adequate list of references.

For the residential sector Energo offers the services  of a  LEED Green rater (only 390 worldwide, first in Italy).

Energo’s LEED Training Courses (USGBC Education Partner) are managed by our  USGBC Faculty (only 130 worldwide): “USGBC Faculty is a global network of credible, qualified instructors, teachers and facilitators with deep expertise in and passion for sustainability that cuts across sectors, cultures and geographies. For more than a decade, USGBC Faculty members have played a leading role in our movement to enhance the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated. Their deep expertise on a broad range of sustainability themes— from rating systems to real estate— makes them highly sought after presenters of both information and inspiration. The USGBC Faculty designation is a distinction that opens opportunities.”

Only 12 LEED professional on more than 85.000 worldwide, have both the qualification: LEED Fellow and USGBC Faculty.

Our main references include over 1,500,000 sqm of LEED-certified buildings in Europe:

Project nameCertification type and Rating systemLevelSurface (m2)Location
PROLOGISLEED New Construction (NC) v2.0Gold17.000Settimo Torinese, Italy
VODAFONE VILLAGELEED Commercial Interior (CI) v2009Silver112.200Milano, Italy
IT PARK INDJIJALEED Core&Shell (CS) v2009Gold10.100Indjija, Serbia
USCE SHOPPING CENTERLEED-EB:OM v2009Certified75.840Belgrade, Serbia
BUSINESS CENTER ADRISLEED Core&Shell (CS) v2009Gold15.600Zagreb, Croatia
GREEN LOGIS -LOREALLEED Core&Shell (CS) v2009Gold33.560Villanterio, Italy
HENKEL SVR1LEED New Construction (NC) v2009Gold5.600Krusevac, Serbia
VODAFONE PADOVALEED Commercial Interior (CI) v2009Gold8.160Padova, Italy
NAVIGATOR ILEED New Construction (NC) v2009Gold16.800Belgrade, Serbia
LIDL WAREHOUSELEED New Construction (NC) v2009Gold49.000Nova Pazova, Serbia
LIDL HQ BUILDINGLEED New Construction (NC) v2009Platinum10.970Nova Pazova, Serbia
SARCA 235LEED Core&Shell (CS) v2009Platinum19.400Milano, Italy
ADA SHOPPING MALLLEED Core&Shell (CS) v2009Gold56.500Belgrade, Serbia
HENKEL ADW TABSLEED New Construction (NC) v2009Gold6.000Krusevac, Serbia
NAVIGATOR IILEED Core&Shell (CS) v4Gold22.800Belgrade, Serbia
HENKEL SVR2LEED New Construction (NC) v4Gold6.730Krusevac, Serbia
BUSINESS GARDENLEED Core&Shell (CS) v4Gold17.000Belgrade, Serbia
NCR-K2LEED New Construction (NC) v4Platinum40.750Belgrade, Serbia
LUSTICA BAYLEED HomesGold700Lustica, Montenegro
UAE EMBASSY BEOGRADLEED New Construction (NC) v4Silver2.240Belgrade, Serbia
UAE RESIDENCY BEOGRADLEED HomesPlatinumnaBelgrade, Serbia
NUTANIXLEED Commercial Interior (CI) v4Silver1.753Belgrade, Serbia
VILLANTERIO LOREAL 2LEED New Construction (NC) v4Certified20.000Villanterio, Italy
SKYLINELEED Core&Shell (CS) v4Ongoing40.000Belgrade, Serbia

Our strengths:

  • Energo is an engineering and design company, none of our direct competitor in LEED Certification processes can provide technical consultancies for architectural and MEP design, Commissioning, Energy modeling and Simulations (lighting, ventilation etc.), we also provide all the consultancies to the Main Contractor and the construction companies due to our project management expertise
  • LEED Fellow™ (the most prestigious designation for LEED professionals).
  • USGBC Faculty™
  • USGBC EDUCATION PARTNER™ – Energo is one of the three European companies and the only one in Italy to be authorized to teach official courses of the USGBC.
  • CxA CERTIFIED – We are the only company in Italy and one of 3 companies in Europe with a certified
    CxA Commissioning Authority (by the U.S. company Acg).
  • LEED for Homes Green rater
  • LEED AP – Energo has a LEED AP since February 2008.
  • Hands-on experience, Energo’s staff, with practical experience and knowledge of local regulations, is constantly involved in numerous international LEED certifications.
  • NC, CS, CI, EBOM, School, Homes, etc. – We have practical experience in all LEED protocols.
  • ENERGY MODELLING & LIGHTING SIMULATIONS are services that we perform directly.

